Due to the scale of the construction and renovation needed for the Masjid, we will require huge amounts of funding to renovate and maintain it. The responsibility of maintaining the house of Allah SWT is upon all of us, and there is great reward in doing so.
The 'Muhammadia Masjid' project is estimated at £500,000 for the first phase of work. The purchase of the building and the surrounding lands has cost £180,000 and further work needed is estimated at £320,000 for the first phase.
'Shaw' is a growing small muslim community in the outskirts of Oldham, Greater Manchester. Our goal in purchasing this building was to provide a comfortable and modern community facility for worship and be a source of pride for the future generations of Muslimeen.
We encourage you all to donate towards our project for Allah ﷻ to not just reward you, but to also put barakah in your wealth.
There are various ahadith in which the Prophet ﷺ says: “Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allah ﷻ, Allah ﷻ will build for him a house in Paradise! By donating towards our project, not only will you be providing a place of worship to many Muslims, but you will also be laying foundations for your own rewards within this Dunya and the Akhirah.